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Meditation Workshop: Finding Your Life's Purpose (FREEDOM) 5/5

Our final installation to "Finding Your Life's Purpose"

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, It describes how the yogi deals with the natural breaches in enlightenment, and how the primal building blocks of the mind resolve back into their cause, allowing final liberation.

The nature of discernment: The finest aspect of mind and individuality is like the reflection in a mirror.

It is there, yet not there; you can see it, but you cannot grasp it.

Discernment has been introduced as the means of Self-realization.

How does this pertain to our Life Purpose?

By realizing the extremely subtle nature of how the consciousness allows the mind-field to be active, it is evident that to know the absolute, unchanging Truth or Reality, one must let go of even this finest instrument.

Through that letting go, the experience of the unchanging, eternal consciousness is there, standing alone, and this is the experience of Self-realization.

We will discuss:

1. The importance of wisdom
2. Understand the nature of our limitations and why we must learn from our mistakes
3. How your message will change the world

1hr Lecture
20minute Guided Meditation on Freedom
Practice Followed by a Q+A with Rosie

Suitable for ALL LEVELS.