Episode 349 | Understanding Your Relationships Through Family Constellations with Marine Selenee



Do you struggle with relationships? Do you feel like something is holding you back from staying true to yourself and living your best life? Maybe it’s time for you to try family constellations. 

Whether we’re aware of it or not, our past profoundly influences our present choices. Our family story, in particular, is something we carry for the rest of our lives. However, the narrative we learned as kids may stop us from being authentic and reaching our full potential. By acknowledging our past through family constellations, we can finally heal and let go of our stories. 

Marine Selenee joins us in this episode to discuss how family constellations can help you move forward in life. Marine talks about what happens in family constellations therapy and how you can start with it. She also shares her journey to starting the profession and how she deals with work exhaustion.

If you want to learn more about the wonders of family constellations, then tune in to this episode!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover how acknowledging your past can positively impact your life and relationships.

  2. Learn how family constellations therapy works and how to start with it.

  3. Find out how Marine Selenee feels radically loved. 


    Episode Highlights

    What is Family Constellations Therapy?

    • Family constellations therapy involves discovering your family story and understanding how it subconsciously impacts your life.

    • If you don’t acknowledge your family story, it might affect your adult life. 

    • A part of this process is uncovering the things you’re holding on to, which keep you from moving forward.

    • Rosie had more revelations in a session of family constellations than she has ever had in therapy.

    Marine’s Journey to Family Constellations

    • At first, Marine Selenee just wanted to understand why her father abandoned them. 

    • She was introduced to family constellations when she hit rock bottom at 25 years old.

    • The simple idea of family constellations is that you’re responsible for holding onto your past or moving on from it. 

    The Impact of Acknowledging Your Past

    • The real burden is not the past itself but how you hold onto it.

    • Your past is not going to change. You can only change your perception of it.

    • By acknowledging it, we stop waiting for the narrative to change.

    • Any issues you are dealing with right now stem from a lack of belonging.

    • It takes courage to change to another dynamic.

    About Marine’s Book

    • Marine is finishing the last chapter for her book, Connected Fates, Separate Destinies.

    • This book will be released in September 2021.

    Starting Family Constellations Therapy

    • As long as you’re open to experience a new type of healing, you can do family constellations therapy.

    • She recommends one-on-one sessions for first-timers instead of group sessions.

    • Marine Selenee wants to give her clients every tool that can help them do the work on their own.

    Unraveling the Subconscious

    • Our subconscious minds already give answers through our everyday language.

    • Understanding our subconscious is a true test in getting to know who we are.

    • You have the right to know your story and to heal from that.

    • A lot of things in Rosie’s subconscious were holding her back. Going through family constellations made her feel more at peace and empowered. 

    Is Family Constellation Exhausting?

    • Family constellation is Marine’s passion, so she doesn’t even feel like it’s work for her.

    • It feels like the sessions nourish her soul, that she feels energetic after each session.

    • Marine takes care of herself first to be able to take care of her clients.

    • She has a lot of people who help her take care of herself. 

    About Love and Relationships

    • Love and relationships are Marine’s favorite topics to write about in her book.

    • If you want to be in love with your partner, you need to heal your relationship with your parents. 

    • Listen to the full episode to learn how to change your love life for the best drastically. 

    Family Constellations for People with No Parents

    • If your parents passed away, you could still find them, along with the answers, within yourself. 

    • If you’re adopted, the answers are always within you, and family constellations can still work for you. 

    5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

    [06:24] “And that's what I like about family constellations like, yes, it is actually pretty much simple, you know, very simple. But in the end, you are in charge of what you want to do. Do you still want to hold on to it [your past story], or do you want to move on?” - Marine Selenee

    [9:25] “You are the only one who can change your perception towards your past, towards your parents, and how at that moment, you want to live your life.” - Marine Selenee

    [19:43] “It's your story and you have the right to know your story and you also have the right to heal from your story.” -

    [22:58] “I won't be able to function and be, I think, as good as I am with my clients if, at first, I wouldn't take care of me.”

    [24:04] “If you want to be in love with your partner, in love with your relationship, this is what you have to do. You need to heal your relationship with your parents because whatever you did not understand with them, you are going to ask your partner to take care of it subconsciously speaking.”

    About Marine Selenee

    Marine Sélénée is a New York/Miami-based Family Constellations therapist, author, and speaker. She offers in-person and virtual private sessions and workshops. Marine Selenee also speaks at panel discussions and conferences, delivering motivational speeches. Since 2019 she’s partnered with Goop Health as an expert, and this year she joined Hay House, where her book, Connected Fates, Separate Destinies, will be published in the fall of 2021. 

    Her unique approach to Family Constellations helps people heal from family wounds and find individual blocks rooted in the family system. Her clients can get to the root of their pain and heal not only themselves but also the generations before and after them. Her greatest passion is sharing the transformative power of Family Constellations.

    Want to know more about Marine’s work? You can follow her on Facebook or Instagram. You can also book a session with Marine on her website or email her at marine@marineselenee.com.

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    To feeling radically loved,


    Rosie Acosta