Connecting with the Community and Living in Oneness: AUBREY MARCUS


It’s not an exaggeration to say that last year has been challenging for all of us. The pandemic made connecting with our community difficult. It also left us mentally and spiritually depleted. Growth and transformation are challenging during this time. But it is important—now more than ever—to be heart-centered, open, and accepting.  

In today's podcast, Aubrey Marcus talks about how he lives with oneness daily. He shares inspiring reflections on spirituality, relationships, and depression. He also discusses the importance of connecting with the community in this period of increasing motivational destination in today's motivational podcast. Lastly, he shares about his upcoming book and his writing process. 

If you want to know more about how Aubrey Marcus calls total human optimization managing his life with openness and spirituality, then tune in to this episode.            

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:  Aubrey Marcus

  1. Find out how to be more connected to the world.

  2. Learn how raising awareness in your relationship promotes growth.

  3. Discover the ways to move through a depressive state.


    Episode Highlights

    How Aubrey Marcus Navigated Through the Pandemic

    Aubrey Marcus shares how, for him, last year was one of the best years of his life. 

    • The hardest challenge for Aubrey Marcus is that he felt like he wasn’t doing enough for the collective. 

    • One of the biggest lessons Aubrey Marcus learned was to have faith in the community.

    • Aubrey emphasizes how the pandemic opened a lot of moments for contemplating the divisions in our society.

    • Through acknowledging past transgressions and forgiveness, we can mend the divisions in our society.

    Connecting with the Community Through Media Platforms

    • There’s a lot of personal and monetary interest involved in media content. 

      Aubrey Marcus observes that big media platforms have advertisers who influence them. 

    • People often get lost in the conspiracies fed to them by the media. 

    • Social media wants to keep people on the platforms for as long as possible by publishing outrageous and divisive content. 

    • It’s important to recognize that they don’t always have our best interests at heart. 

    Speaking from a Place of Oneness

    Aubrey Marcus shares that when you abide by your ego, there’s a strong urge to put people down. 

    • You tend to compare yourself to other people to see who’s better. 

    • Your ego does this with morality as well. The ego likes to isolate you in this citadel of righteousness.  

    • Aubrey Marcus argues that all human life comes from the same source and intrinsic worth.

    • It’s important to push this message continually; otherwise, we fall into the trap of the ego. 

    On Spiritual Materialism

    Aubrey Marcus had a vision quest when he was 18.

    • Aubrey Marcus went to the mountains, had psilocybin tea, and felt his soul. 

    • Aubrey Marcus continued to go to spiritual places to recognize and feel the oneness.

    • Oneness is meaningless until you feel it yourself

    Aubrey’s New Book

    Aubrey Marcus likens writing a book to a ceremony.

    • Aubrey Marcus admits that his book was supposed to come out this year. However, he shares that he had to work on mastering his mind first.

    • Aubrey now feels like he’s equipped to write a better book.  

    • Aubrey is now in a place where he feels like he can stand behind everything that he writes. 

    Shifting to a New Perception on Relationships

    • Aubrey Marcus explains how a polyamorous relationship is a different spiritual practice.

    • Aubrey emphasizes the importance of making boundaries clear in a polyamorous relationship. 

    • For Aubrey, the sacred union means putting the relationship above the individual.

    • Aubrey Marcus recognizes that his relationship with his wife now is a different lesson, a different practice. 

    • He is very excited about exploring a different type of union between two people.

    Roots of Dissatisfaction in Relationships

    • Aubrey Marcus discusses that physical attraction in relationships has an expiration date. 

    • This is why romantic and passionate relationships wane over the years. 

    • You need to build in other practices to grow and deepen the connection. These practices can be sexual, spiritual, or both. 

    • If you’re content in your relationship, you’re at peace. But if you’re complacent, you feel a current of frustration.

    • Listen to the full episode to learn more about the difference between contentment and complacency in a relationship.  

    How Aubrey Deals with Depression

    • Your body influences your mind and mental health, so you first need to look at the state of your body. Next, examine if you have any stuck emotions. 

    • Perhaps there’s some energy stored up that you need to release. And this may come in the form of grief. 

    • Aubrey modifies the stories you tell yourself and helps you control your narrative of yourself.

    • Self-awareness and self-love enables you to guide yourself to do the right thing and reach your motivational destination.

    • To know more about the tools and practices that Aubrey Marcus uses to move through a depressive state, listen to the episode.

    How Aubrey Feels Radically Loved

    • Being radically loved is true every single moment of every day.

    • Judge yourself less. 

    • Forgive yourself completely.

    • Surrender to knowing that you are radically loved. 

    5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

    [8:17] “So, I think it's it's essential that we start to come back to some semblance of oneness. You know, with an acknowledgment but also a forgiveness of the past  and past transgressions, and an allowance for us to just come together in our humanness.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [17:28] “There's no value proposition to say that this human is better than this human, all humans all life is intrinsically worth the same. And we're all part of the same source.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [19: 58]  “You can find that we are all one somewhere. But until you feel it, it's meaningless. You have to know it... You could hear all the descriptions about an avocado, but until you have guacamole, you have no idea… And for me, that's been my path is to really feel it.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [27:44] “It's not that you lose your independence or your identity, but you just know that when the relationship is strong, it will nourish both of you.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [37:25] “If you're just complacent, there's going to be this kind of current of frustration, you're going to be like, I just kind of want to run somewhere, I just don't know where. And, that's the feeling that I think can be really hard.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    About Aubrey

    Aubrey Marcus is the founder and CEO of Onnit. It’s one of the fastest-growing lifestyle companies based on a holistic health philosophy that Aubrey calls Total Human Optimization. Onnit is dedicated to providing proper nutrition, fitness, and supplementation to everyone. 

    Aubrey is the host of The Aubrey Marcus Podcast. In his show, he invites the brightest and prominent figures in their fields. Together, they have conversations about athletics, business, science, relationships, and spirituality. 

    Aubrey is also a founding member and host of the Fit for Service Fellowship. Finally, Aubrey is the author of the NYT Bestselling book Own the Day, Own Your Life

    If you want to know more about Aubrey Marcus, you can visit his website. You may also reach out to him through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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    To feeling radically loved,


    Rosie Acosta