Episode 346 | How to Practice Detoxification of Your Mind, Body, and Spirit with Queen Afua


The pandemic brought an uncomfortable truth to the surface: not all of us have the healthiest of lifestyles, even if we think we’re in tip-top shape. For too long, we have been feeding our bodies with junk, staying glued to our phones all day, and raising our children the same way. The time for detoxification and a reset is long overdue.

In this episode, Queen Afua urges women to take greater control of their health. As healers of the home, women spread wellness to their families and communities. Instead of relying heavily on drugs or surgery, she explains how we can use food, nature, and yoga as medicine. When we wean ourselves off unhealthy options and cleanse from within, our medical issues will naturally resolve themselves. 

If you want to learn how to practice detoxification of your mind, body, and spirit, tune in to the full episode now. 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode: 

  1. Find out how to heal yourself and your family using holistic methods.

  2. Learn how to clear out tension, anxiety, and toxicity.

  3. Discover how Queen Afua feels radically loved  


    Episode Highlights

    On Motherhood and Selfhood

    • For Queen Afua, her three children represent different facets of her identity. They are the total of her experiences and carry wisdom from those chapters in her life. 

    • She believes her oldest child is her spirit, her middle child is her heart, and her youngest is her bones. 

    • Queen Afua explains that motherhood is like a battlefield. The way she raised her children and the emphasis she placed on holistic health and wellness went against the norm. 

    Going Against the Flow

    • Queen Afua admitted that it took years for her blood family to accept how she lived and raised her kids. 

    • Her mother didn't fully understand her vision but supported her anyway. 

    • The pandemic forced people to wake up to the need for detoxification and explore natural methods for healing.  

    Empowering Women 

    • During the pandemic, her business grew ten times over as people sought to learn how to boost their immune system against the virus. 

    • She compiled all the health and wellness protocols she knew and distributed them on her website and around her housing complex.   

    • Queen Afua responded to the pandemic by sharing her knowledge and empowering women to take greater control of their health. 

    • The pandemic was an extreme wake-up call to check on the gaps in our health.  

    Women Wellness 

    • During her research, Queen Afua found that yoga, meditation, reiki, hydrotherapy, and other holistic wellness solutions are part of ancient wisdom antiquity. 

    • She cites a prayer for women to learn how to heal themselves and their families. 

    • Women are natural healers. They don't need to look outside for medicine; they can look within. 

    • If you empower women, you empower the entire family. 

    • When women reclaim their womb and their natural healing powers, any medical issues will naturally disappear.  

    Womb Yoga

    • Queen Afua developed her yoga practice. The poses wake up the subconscious mind to the body's natural healing powers. 

    • There are 69 womb yoga poses and 39 womb dance movements. All movements are just one movement that flows seamlessly into the next. 

    • She recommends a daily bed practice that can help with a prolapsed uterus and heavy menstrual bleeding. 

    • Instead of having surgery or relying too heavily on medicine, yoga can strengthen the reproductive muscles naturally. 

    The Importance of Detoxification 

    • Women need to put in the work to release pent-up tension and anxiety. 

    • A sickly kid, Queen Afua admits that detoxification saved her life.

    • When she forgot to bring her medication during a trip, she needed detoxification. She didn't know it at the time. 

    • After her detoxification, her symptoms suddenly stopped, and her mind went still. 

    • After experiencing the wonders of detoxification, Queen Afua became a holistic evangelist. Today, she is proud that detoxification is gaining ground.

    Your Wellness Journey

    • Queen Afua encourages everyone to try seven-day detoxification. Whether it's seven days of vegetarian lifestyle or juice therapy, you might discover that going natural is something long-term.

    • As a former colon therapist, she stresses the importance of cleaning up the gut and flushing out the waste that sometimes comes through to the skin. 

    • Queen Afua also offers a detailed menu plan and daily checklist to help you on your detoxification journey. 

    • On her 21-day Detox Your Life program, she visits all the rooms in your house and transforms them into a wellness home. 

    • There's no need to stop visiting the doctor or taking your meds. But if you try implementing these small changes, your doctor will also see the difference.

    Radically Loved

    • For Queen Afua, radical love is based on what she calls impeccable listening.

    • The answers you've been searching for already exist within you. All you have to do is ask, stay still, and listen. 

    • Once you start listening, you are bound to find love and guidance in every step of your journey.

    • When you listen to your heart every day, love and peace will grow at every turn. Goodness will spread. 

    5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

    [17:54] “So we don't have to look outside of ourselves for healing any further. We can look within and bring nature into your life, activate nature because we are nature.”

    [18:22] “And if you empower women, you empower the family. Women are the bottom line for wellness.”

    [38:33] “So the home now is a wellness home that you should get excited about that, having a wellness home. And to me, that's like the ultimate and you're the healer of your home. And you’re healing your family.”

    [40:19] “Take a deep breath and just ask and what you hear, move with it. Not emotional. You’ll start to feel that because everything is already there.”

    [40:28] “So have radical listening. If you start listening, your heart lobes are gonna love that. Everywhere you go, you're going to find love. You’ll be guided.” 

    About Queen

    Queen Afua is a leader in holistic health and wellness solutions with over 40 years of experience in the field. She has made it her mission to empower people to take greater control of their health using the power of food, self-care, and natural choices. 

    Queen Afua is the Heal Thyself product line creator, which offers detoxification kits and superfood supplements to help individuals achieve optimal wellness. She is also the Queen Afua Wellness Institute CEO. They offer classes and courses for holistic health. 

    To learn more about her work, visit her website or follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.  

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    To feeling radically loved,
