Episode 345 | Authenticity, Words, and Manifestation: The Importance of Just Being Yourself with Tessa Tovar


Just being yourself requires a certain level of vulnerability not all of us are willing to show. Vulnerability is often mistaken for weakness, and nobody wants to be perceived as weak. As a result, we hide our authentic selves. But no matter how we choose to express ourselves, we have to go back to the reasons behind what we do.

In today's episode, Tessa Tovar shares what it means to be authentic. We also talk about the importance of words and how we say them and the key ingredient to manifesting our wants and desires.

If you want to know more about the importance of just being yourself, then this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode

  1. Understand what being yourself means through authenticity.

  2. Discover the power of words and how they help us reach our highest vibration.

  3. Learn more about manifestation and the importance of taking action.


    Episode Highlights

    What Does It Mean to Be Authentic?

    • To be authentic means being honest and fully who you are. You're also unapologetic about it.

    • To be authentic is to be grounded and vulnerable. 

    • Using filters in your photos does not mean you are not authentic. Using filters and dressing yourself up are ways of expressing yourself.

    • You may think twice about just being yourself and doing what you want because you may want others to view you as authentic. 

    How Important Is It to Be Viewed as Authentic versus Just Being Yourself?

    • It all comes down to how much you care about what other people think of you. 

    • If you’re just being yourself, you won’t care if anybody else thinks you’re authentic.

    • Try understanding why you’re doing what you’re doing.

    • Use make-up and filters if they make you happy, or don’t if you feel like you are putting on a mask. 

    • Explore both sides of the coin. 

    The Power of Words

    • It’s important to mind your words and how they can contribute to reaching your highest vibration. 

    • It is important to state our intentions clearly so that you're affirmative and positive.

    • When expressing yourself, take a pause, breathe, and choose your words with intention and mindfulness.

    Vibrating at Your Highest 

    • Vibrating at your highest means being your most honest, real, and authentic self.

    • There is also a semblance of vulnerability when vibrating at your highest.

    • We need to think about how we can utilize words that continually make us feel empowered.

    •  In doing so, we can communicate more profoundly and build bridges rather than using words to argue. 

    • How you’re saying something and responding to something also matters. 

    What Is Manifestation?

    • Manifestation is the idea that what we think, say, and do matter in creating the life that we want. 

    • To manifest is to create and magnetize something towards us. 

    • We can't determine everything that happens to us, but we do have the creative capacity to bring about change.

    • The main ingredient of manifestation is a commitment to action. 

    5 Powerful Quotes

    [13:50] “If you are truly showing up and being true to yourself, you're not going to care if anybody else thinks you're authentic.”

    [14:54] “Always bring it back to yourself and understand the ‘why’ of what you're doing and why you're doing it.”

    [22:25] “Words don't have to come out so quickly and so rapidly. We can take a moment to think about what we want to say from a place of mindfulness.”

    [26:49] “Vulnerability is coming just from a place of being completely honest.”

    [33:15] “If we believe that we can bring something into our life, if we believe that there is a way out of a not-good situation, then there is a way to think, say, and do something about it.”

    About Tessa

    Tessa Tovar is a yoga and meditation teacher and a holistic health coach. She received her degree in Human Communication with honors at the University of Southern Oregon in Ashland. It was at Southern Oregon University that Tessa found and developed her passion for the practice of yoga.

    In 2017, Tessa received her certification in Health Coaching. She currently has a health coaching practice that focuses on bio-individuality. She believes that we all have our own personal medicine, including food, environment, financial outlook, spirituality, relationships, and many more contributing factors.

    Tessa founded Outside the Studio in 2018. She uses this podcast and Youtube channel to take what we learn from yoga and apply it to everyday life. 

    In her free time, Tessa enjoys physical activities and going outdoors. She also enjoys reading fiction, taking bubble baths, and snuggling with her two cats, dog, and husband.

    Connect with Tessa through her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You may also send her an email at info@radicallyloved.com.    

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    To feeling radically loved,
