How to Deal with the Emotions in the Body with Dr. Joey Mattina


When we feel pain, the first thing we think of is the possibility of a physical health condition. It may be an injury, muscle or tissue damage, soreness from lousy posture, and so much more. However, we don't think about how these pains may be emotions in the body—emotions that manifest physically. When you truly tune into your mind and body, you'll understand that your pain is so much more than what's on the surface.

In today's episode, chiropractor and healer Dr. Joey Mattina joins us to shed light on the deeper mind and body connection. He explains how stress and trauma manifest as physical ailments in our bodies and how we can access them. Joey also emphasizes the importance of proper breathing in modulating our body's nervous system.

Tune in to this episode to know how you can take the first steps in understanding and dealing with emotions in the body!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn the top-down and bottom-up approach in accessing our body and brain.

  2. Discover how trauma is tied to pains in different areas of the body.

  3. Find out what the pain-body is and some ways of dealing with it.


    Episode Highlights

    The Body Keeps Score

    • There are two ways of accessing our body and brain. The top-down approach is talk therapy, while the bottom-up approach is bodywork and getting into our bodies.

    • As a chiropractor, Joey uses a combination of the two.

    • One of the chiropractic field's major arts is getting the best treatment for something, not merely a physical ailment.

    • A lot of times, nervous system issues tie down to past trauma and stresses in life. 

    • Tune in to the full episode to hear Joey's experience uncovering emotions in the body during a myofascial seminar!

    When the Person is Not Ready

    • Everybody's different. Joey tries to tune into people and their emotions in the body based on his experiences and personal healing journey.

    • He's the most present in life when he puts his hands on somebody.

    • He suffered from abuse when he was a child. He had issues talking about it and having people touch him.

    • When people aren't ready, let them walk through the door, either verbally or nonverbally.

    • People don't respond well when forced.

    Processing Emotions in the Body

    • It's a lifelong journey. It takes the right time and life experience to be ready to access it.

    • Research has shown that ailments in different areas of the body correspond to different traumatic life experiences.

    • As a practitioner, it's all about matching the patient's vibration to invite a healing environment.

    How Not to Take in the Subtle Energy of Accessing Trauma

    • As long as he can continue doing the things he enjoys, he stays grounded.

    • With his turbulent childhood, he had always been learning how to process and modulate stress. 

    • His practice requires him to change energy every half hour interacting with different people. He knows it will get to him if he doesn't take the time to be with himself.

    • Joey continues to work on setting boundaries.

    The Importance of Feeling Empowered to Care for Our Health

    • More than cracking, he's more in the realm of helping patients not see him.

    • He views himself as someone who can bring out the best in people, get in their bodies, and heal their wounds.

    • Touching people in the right way and making them realize they can change their life is the power of chiropractic care. 

    Dealing with the Pain-Body

    • The pain-body can be multiple things. It can be a specific traumatic event, a negative pattern you're in, and something that happened before you.

    • The biggest thing is trying to understand where your pain originates.

    • There are many different therapeutic ways to understand your pain. It's about experimenting and finding what works best for you.

    • Acknowledgment is the first step towards healing.

    The General Theme in Chiropractic Care

    • His objective in his practice is to get patients out of the physical pain they're experiencing. 

    • A lot of the general aches and pains are biochemical. Regular bodywork and adjustment are suitable for the actual physical nature of the body.

    • Working with athletes is different from working with the general population because they're dealing with specific torn muscles.

    • When he starts to see people more often than he would like to, that's when it essentially becomes a therapy session.

    • Many aches and pains in the body can also root from not breathing enough and having a tight diaphragm.

    Stuck Breath

    • Breathing is an automatic function of the body that we don't have to do consciously. It is affected by the nervous system, including the sympathetic fight or flight. 

    • When there is constant stress, we get chronic shallow breathing, and the stress hormones stay high.

    • Taking ten deep breaths can help lower your blood pressure and reduce cortisol.

    • A lot of what shows up as physical ailments in the body comes from the nervous system. Taking deep breaths is a way to teach the nervous system how to modulate.

    What Is Box Breathing?

    • It's a four-second deep breath-in, four-second hold, four-second breath-out, and another four-second hold.

    • Wim Hof has done a lot of this breathing exercise.

    • Box breathing tells the body that things are okay and lowers the nervous system response.

    • The pain you experience under incredibly stressful things may occur because of so much tension in the body.

    Voicing Out Trauma

    • It's something that lives with you for the rest of your life. So, it's about how comfortable you can get with it.

    • Everybody's going to process it differently. There's no shame in feeling nervous when you start talking about and processing trauma.

    • We all live with different pains; we have unique journeys. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Feeling Radically Loved

    • Joey feels radically loved when he's giving his best self to everybody else in his life.

    • While he can't control who loves him, he can control what he's putting into the universe.

    • Being radically loved means fulfilling his purpose.

    5 Powerful Quotes

    [07:26] “What's super interesting about it is everybody's different. And, you know, I'm always learning every single day. I can only--I just do the best I can based on my experiences and things that I've been through in my own healing journey.”

    [09:39] “I'm still processing but but you know, it's a lifelong journey. But yeah, I you know, I think a lot of people when something like that happens, we tucked it away, we compartmentalize and it's something that's you know, we just try to not think about it and it lives in there.”

    [11:35] “If someone comes in and they're cheerful and joyful, I try to match that. Because when you match somebody else's vibration, you get in sync, and you can then sort of you invite this healing environment.”

    [12:35] “I find that as long as I can continue to do the things that I know, bring me joy, or my meditation, I stay very grounded.”

    [17:07] “I just think that touching people in the right way physically, but also just sort of, you know, leaving them with something that says, “Oh, shit, I can change my life.” And, and that's very powerful to me.”

    About Joey

    Dr. Joey Mattina, DC, is an LA-based expert chiropractor. He is the head chiropractor of the LA Clippers. He has also worked with Dr. Dennis Colonello, a legendary chiropractor and Peak Wellness's founder. Joey works with professionals and people from all backgrounds, from athletes, celebrities and more. He is also the author of The Sit Secret: Your Chiropractor's Guide to Healthy Sitting.

    To connect with Joey, you may visit his website and Instagram.

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    To feeling radically loved,


    Rosie Acosta