Why Self-Care Is Important in Attracting the Life You Want with Dawn Aurora Hunt


Do you feel lost and disconnected with yourself? Are feelings of self-doubt prevalent in your life right now? You’re not alone. The pandemic is still ongoing, and things continue to change as we all try to get back up. Getting yourself out of this uncertainty and into the life you want can be tricky. To get off your train of negative patterns, you first have to understand why self-care is important. 

In today's episode, Dawn Aurora Hunt joins us to talk about why self-care is important in practicing self-love and gaining confidence. We are who we attract, so it’s crucial to work on ourselves. Dawn also shares the different ways she practices self-love, such as harnessing energy from food. 

If you’re struggling with feeling lost and want to know why self-care is important in your journey, this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover why self-care is important in attracting the things you desire.

  2. Understand the ways we can harness the power of food.

  3. Learn how to take care of yourself and practice radical forgiveness.


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    Episode Highlights

    [05:19] Accepting Praise

    • It’s normal to have discomfort after receiving praise because we’re put in the spotlight. 

    • However, you have to learn how to hold praise and criticism equally.

    [08:20] How to Attract Love and Find Confidence

    • The pandemic has caused us to feel disconnected from ourselves and other people.

    • Many of us have tied our identities to the way we connect to the outside world, and we are left feeling lost when that is taken away. 

    • To attract people of a certain type, you need to be that certain type. 

    • That’s one of the reasons why self-care is important. 

    • Think about how the world would be if everyone else was just like you. Let this guide the type of person that you should be. 

    [13:45] Reconcile Relationships

    • We all have complex relationships with ourselves. 

    • At the same time, we have loaded relationships with things like food and money. 

    • All these relationships affect who you attract.

    • For Dawn, the first step to getting out of that hamster wheel of self-doubt is to get clear about these relationships. 

    [20:03] Start Practicing Radical Forgiveness

    • Radical forgiveness involves taking yourself out of the equation whenever someone hurts your feelings or does something terrible.

    • Sometimes, we’re not meant to learn from these situations. Instead, we may be the lesson for other people. 

    [21:01] “Sometimes things aren't about what we need to learn. We are facilitators of lessons in other people's lives.”

    • The things that you want in your life may be different from what the universe has planned for you.

    • Don’t hesitate to put out there what you’re seeking, but be open to however the universe answers.

    [22:53] Harness Energy from Food

    • Dawn shares how certain foods have energies. For example, when she feels afraid, she tends to use a lot of garlic, which has protective energy.

    • She also shares how masculine and confident energies can be found in foods like zucchini and bananas. 

    • Meanwhile, nurturing and feminine energies can be harnessed from eggplants and watermelons. 

    • Dawn also eats with intention. She visualizes what she wants to attract as she draws energy from her food.

    [27:46] Go Back to the Basics

    • Be in the space of love and acceptance so you can attract the same. 

    • Anytime you’re feeling stressed or out of balance, go back to the basics. 

    • Assess what you’re eating and check if you’ve been moving your body. 

    • Don’t become complacent and put it off for tomorrow. Fix it now. 

    • Do not reaffirm the same mentality that got you in this state. 

    [31:55] Don’t Beat Yourself Up

    • It’s okay not to be perfect. You can give yourself the grace to seek comfort. 

    • However, once you promise yourself something, do not go back on your word. 

    • Breaking your promises reaffirms the negative thought patterns in your head.

    • Be honest with what you want and where you want to go. 

    • Become responsible for these wants and take action. 

    [35:18] Why Self Care Is Important

    • If you keep attracting the same type of person, it’s a clue that maybe you need to look inward at yourself. 

    • We tend to attract things that make us comfortable, even if that is bad for us.

    • Remember that your grass will only be green when you water it. Pay attention to yourself and you will attract the life you want! 

    • Create a self-care routine to help you calm down. Take breaks and find what helps you become relaxed.

    • Self-care sometimes hurts and is uncomfortable, but that is part of the healing process.

    [43:24] Take Control of Your Life

    • To attract what you want in life, you have to be a person deserving of those things. 

    [42:56] “If you want to attract the things in life that you want to have, you have to become the person that deserves those things.”

    • Things don’t happen to you, but for you. 

    • We can take control of our lives by taking control of our thoughts. 

    • Nurture yourself with food, water, air, and movement. 

    Powerful Quotes from This Episode

    [12:23] “We are what we attract, or we attract what we are. If our thoughts become our reality, then our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world.”

    [26:25] “Attraction isn't just about new relationships, it can be about deepening relationships.”

    [39:04] “The grass is greener where you water it. Put your attention in your own damn yard, and your grass will be green too.”

    About Dawn

    Dawn Aurora Hunt is the owner and CEO of Cucina Aurora. She's been teaching and writing about kitchen and spiritual nutrition since 2010. She is incredibly passionate about cooking and starts every recipe with love and positive intentions. All her Cucina Aurora recipes are tested for all kinds of people, including discerning chefs, busy meal makers, and the picky eater. 

    Cucina Aurora prides itself in its signature olive oil infusions, which Dawn personally tested with many types of oil from Spain to California, and even as far as Greece. Her infusions are fresh and authentic, using 100% olive oil which is not common in the market. 

    Her latest book, A Kitchen Witch's Guide to Recipes for Love & Romance is all about celebrating and rekindling love of all forms with amazing recipes! 

    Interested in Dawn’s work and products? Check out Cucina Aurora and listen to her podcast, The Recipes for Romance!   

    You can also reach out to her on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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    To feeling radically loved,


    Rosie Acosta