BONUS EPISODE | Tap‌ ‌into‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Voice‌ ‌and‌ ‌Share‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Story‌ ‌with‌ ‌ Natasha‌ ‌Zolotareva‌


Have you ever felt disconnected from your own voice? You know you have a message that will resonate with other people, but you can't seem to tap into it. Inevitably, you may begin to doubt whether you should share your story. Spiraling into this doubt can be difficult to overcome. However, keep in mind that finding your voice begins by looking within. Inside each of us, there is a seed of a story that we need to nurture and allow to flourish.

In today's episode, PR specialist Natasha Zolotareva shares her path of finding her message and tapping into her voice. She relays her journey of being a communicator and how she helps healers look within to become seen. Natasha also talks about the importance of accepting your suffering and how to share your story.

If you’re struggling with connecting with your voice, this episode is for you!

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Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover the beauty of PR work in reconnecting with your message.

  2. Learn the importance of speaking out loud and the need to share your story.

  3. Find out how Natasha feels radically loved by listening to the full episode!


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    Episode Highlights

    Getting into PR Work

    • Natasha works with people she calls “healers.” They are coaches, personal trainers, yoga teachers, and anyone who has a self-improvement message.

    • Growing up in a family of two psychologists, she has always been surrounded by healers.

    • This background led her to the mindset that when something is not working in life, the first place to look is within. Her passion lies in bringing this message to people.

    • Despite being surrounded by healers, Natasha knew it wasn’t her path. Instead, she realized that she is a communicator.

    • Natasha went from being a journalist in the traditional press to being a marketer and then starting a PR agency.

    On Being Seen

    • Natasha’s mom said that every psychologist is first a patient. To some degree, a lack of something drives hearts to become passionate and explore that particular thing.

    • PR is about tapping into the voice of being authentic, opening up, and being seen. Some people would choose different methods to do this.

    • While PR is a business tool, it is also a personal growth tool for reconnecting with your message and yourself. You can use this to learn how to share your story.

    • For Natasha, also has a personal journey of reconnecting with her voice in PR.

    Everybody’s Story Is Worth Sharing

    • Listening to other people’s personal stories is how we get nuggets of wisdom that we can relate to. This is an advantage when you share your story.

    • You should learn how to share your story. There is so much healing into just speaking out loud.

    • After speaking and accepting your suffering, the only thing left is to offer it publicly. Growth will follow after you share your story.

    • Everybody has a seed of a story in them that wants to grow and flourish. It is not easy, but it is empowering.

    • It is common for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs to doubt the worth of their story.

    Losing Her Voice

    • Natasha worked as a journalist from 15 to 20 years old. Then, she felt that she had a voice — she's sharing about things that mattered to her.

    • After deciding she’s finished with journalism, she lost her voice. While she would still produce a lot of writing for other people, nothing comes out when she’s writing for herself.

    • For years, Natasha was disconnected from her voice and the things she wanted to share. Hence, empowering her clients in sharing their voices is also a personal journey for her.

    Confidence and Insecurity

    • Natasha can relate to people who know they have a message but still don't know what it is.

    • Even if you’re not going public with your story, it’s worth searching for to help you with personal development.

    • Listen to the full episode to learn Natasha’s wonderful exercise on how you can tap into your message!

    Tapping into a Source of Love

    • Despite everything that's going on in the world, Natasha has felt so much universal love in the last couple of months.

    • She feels radically loved by pretty much anything because she has a connection to the radical life.

    5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

    [04:40] “Whenever there’s something not working in my life or the life of my friend, I'm like, the first place to look is within.”

    [06:22] “I [have] always been sure about kind of like what is the gift that I have to share; it’s about the communication and connection.”

    [13:21] “Everybody’s story is worth sharing.”

    [16:38] "There’s always so many molds that we try to fit into speaking. That’s where we started, right? So many healing comes into being authentic.”

    [30:30] “Imagine you have a billboard on the Time Square, all paid up for and kind of like sent to your name. And you get to put the message there, and everyone's gonna see it. So what is it going to be?”

    About Natasha

    Natasha Zolotareva is a media relations specialist and the founder of Cosa Famosa PR agency. Natasha helps authors, speakers, coaches, entrepreneurs, and influencers grow their media exposure by creating expert-brand media campaigns. She specializes in featuring brands in top-tier print, broadcast, and online media. Natasha represents clients in niches, including mental health, spirituality, health and wellness, and sports and fitness.

    If you want to connect with Natasha, visit her website. You can also reach her through her Instagram account.

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    To feeling radically loved,


    Rosie Acosta