Episode 3 | Learn the Secrets to Holistic Beauty with Joanna Vargas


Society’s standards of beauty have a detrimental effect on how we value and love ourselves. Various media outlets will tell us that to be considered “beautiful,” we must have a specific look—“Be skinny;” “Be tall;” “Be just like her.” But we can never look the same as other people; we can only be ourselves. It's about time we see our beauty not as compared to anybody else but because it's different. Holistic beauty is authentic, and it's ours.

In this episode, Joanna Vargas talks to us about the true definition of holistic beauty and the pitfalls of unrealistic beauty standards. She also shares the most significant life lessons she learned in her career and life and gives women advice on how to stay healthy and beautiful.

If you're struggling with your insecurities right now, listen to the full episode and find out why you're stunning, even if others tell you differently.

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Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode: 

  1. Discover the impacts of unrealistic beauty standards on women.

  2. Learn how to be confident in your own skin.

  3. Joanna will share with us her approach to holistic beauty.


  • Glow from Within by Joanna Vargas

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    Episode Highlights

    The Impact of Geography & Culture on Health

    • Having lived in New York City for ten years, Joanna knows its culture of exclusivity can be isolating.

    • People's health is linked with where and how they live.

    The Most Influential Woman in Joanna's Life

    • Joanna's grandmother helped shape her views about beauty.

    • Her grandmother was a glamorous and respectable woman who was always game for everything. She is Joanna's beauty icon.

    The Thesis Project That Defined Joanna's Career

    • Joanna majored in photography and women's studies back in college. Her thesis project showcased what beauty is for women.

    • To her shock, all the women invited for the project wore no make-up.

    • It made her think about the standards of beauty society imposes on women. The project made her passionate about beauty and inspired her career.

    • For Joanna, being confident and strong are the things that make a woman beautiful.

    When Joanna Feels the Most Glow in Her Life

    • A beautiful woman is someone healthy. Joanna takes care of herself by exercising, eating right, and doing things that make her confident.

    • It bothers her that many women would say hateful things about themselves.

    • In her book Glow from Within, she talks about the importance of saying good things to yourself.

    • Social media apps like Instagram aren’t always an encouraging tool for women to embrace their beauty.

    Joanna's Holistic Approach to Beauty

    • Joanna's approach to beauty revolves around inspiring people to be the best versions of themselves rather than setting a standard of beauty they have to fit themselves to.

    • Vitamins and nutrients, diet, exercise, quality sleep, and cutting back on vices like alcohol are some of the main tips Joanna shares on living beautifully healthy.

    The Best Piece of Advice Joanna Received

    • When she was young, Joanna had insecurities about the color of her skin.

    • Her grandmother told her she has to appreciate and embrace who she is. This lesson was embedded in Joanna's heart as she grew older.

    • For Joanna, her success comes from accepting who she truly is. She encourages everyone to stop trying to fit into what other people want them to be.

    What a Wise Woman Looks Like to Joanna

    • For Joanna, a wise woman is someone who allows herself to have many experiences.

    • Life is a winding road. There's so much a person can learn by giving into the journey and taking turns that may be a bit unexpected.

    Joanna's Advice for Women

    • We are in charge of our lives.

    • The source of real power comes from believing in ourselves.

    What an Accomplished Life Looks Like to Joanna

    • Joanna has a lot of other passions.

    • She wants to paint with her grandchildren and travel the world with her husband once she retires.

    5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

    “If you're looking at somebody beautiful, you're looking at someone healthy.”

    “If I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself I hated myself every day, I wouldn't be able to be at my best. I wouldn't be doing the best job for my staff. I wouldn't be able to be the best for my kids.”

    “I only became successful when I really embraced who I truly was. And I stopped trying to fit into what I thought people wanted me to be or what I thought the beauty industry was.”

    “The more I became myself, and more I was less fearful of showing people that I had tattoos, and showing people where I came from, and talking about that, and really going into what I really thought, that's when I really blew up and became successful.”

    “The source of real power comes from within you. It comes from you believing in yourself. And there's no person that you can find in your life that has the ability to have that power more than yourself.”

    About Joanna

    Dubbed the “queen of the naturopathic facial,” Joanna Vargas is a famous aesthetician who works with many celebrities. Her products combine technique, all-natural ingredients, and technology to highlight the authentic beauty of women. She also promotes women's health and well-being. For her, a beautiful woman feels good about herself and comfortable in her own skin.

    If you want to learn more about Joanna, her product line, and practices, you may visit her website, YouTube channel, and Instagram.  

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    To inspiring success and empowerment,


    Rosie Acosta