#WisdomWednesdays: Serving the Highest Good by Learning to Manage Emotions and Helping Our Environment


Throughout our lifetimes, we will undoubtedly face emotions that don’t make us feel good. As human beings, we are designed to empathize with others who are also feeling these heavy emotions. But where do we draw the line? At what point should you start to prioritize your feelings? How do we manage emotions like these so we can serve the highest good?

In this episode, Rosie and Tessa discuss emotions and why it’s normal for us to shy away from negative ones. However, when we do so, we make decisions from a place of unconsciousness. Instead, we need to learn to manage emotions. Acknowledge the existence of your feelings and how they drive you to do certain things. 

In the second part of the podcast, we examine the idea of the human race as one. We are all in this together. All of our actions affect the environment. So, we need to be conscious of how our behaviors are serving the highest good. It isn’t the time to bury our heads in the sand. One small step from you may be the catalyst of change amongst others. 

Tune in to learn how to manage emotions so that you come from a place of conscious action to create change.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Hear inspiring passages from Unlearn by Humble the Poet and One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus.

  2. Gain insights about how to prioritize and manage emotions.

  3. Know what you can do to contribute to the betterment of our environment.


    Episode Highlights

    Discussing Emotions

    • Rosie shares a passage from the book, Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life by Humble the Poet.

    • It’s so easy to be swept away by big emotions because you want to empathize with people.

    • At what point do you draw the line between others’ emotions and your own?

    • Feeding an emotion that is not serving your highest good will bleed into other areas of your life.

    • Experiencing an emotion is like an automatic knee-jerk response. You could operate from a place of unconsciousness where your emotions drive your decisions.

    How We Deal with Emotions

    • For Tessa, these emotions make her spend money on stuff like clothes. However, she admits that she wants to make purchases that provide a lasting experience of pleasure.

    • We know when we are doing things to avoid unpleasant emotions; it’s instinctual for all of us.

    • This is also because we have this fear of people not understanding our emotions.

    Learning How to Manage Emotions

    • Instead of shying away, learn how to manage emotions by acknowledging and recognizing their existence.

    • Ask yourself: what is driving your decision to do something? What need is this decision filling? What aren’t you feeling?

    • Instead of being reactive in situations, know that you can manage emotions instead.

    • Make a conscious decision on how you want to proceed. 

    • In the process, you’re teaching others how they should treat you.

    The Premise of One Thousand White Women

    • Tessa’s favorite genre is historical fiction. She reads a passage from the book she’s currently reading.  

    • Its story is set in 1874 in the United States when Europeans were colonizing the Native Americans. 

    • During this time, the Cheyenne tribe’s chief demanded 1000 white brides from US President Grant. 

    • The story revolves around what could have happened if President Grant agreed to this demand.

    The Takeaway

    • Tessa sees this passage as an analogy of the unity of the human race.

    • We should ask ourselves what we do as a collective. How can we contribute to bettering our environment?

    • You can also create actionable change over time. How can you, as an individual, contribute?

    A Global Environmental Problem

    • Rosie shares that she always wanted to go diving in the Great Barrier Reef. But when she got there, she was devastated by the water pollution and bleached corals.

    • We are quick to ravage the earth and its resources without acknowledging that it supports us.

    • We fail to see that what’s happening around us is caused by our negligence. 

    • It’s high time that we educate ourselves and do our part. 

    • Ask yourself: where are you allocating your resources? Are they serving the planet?

    Having a Catastrophizing Mindset

    • It is a challenge to stay in the present and also remain conscious enough to make actionable decisions. 

    • We see trash, particularly plastic, littering the beaches and oceans we visit.

    • These scenarios make the problems we face in terms of environmental degradation seem overwhelming at times. 

    • However, all it takes is just one person to start picking up trash for others to follow.

    Powerful Quotes from This Episode

    [04:58] “Accepting fear, confusion, anxiety, and whatever other unpleasantness simply means to understand it's part of us.”

    [09:52] “When we feel an unsavory feeling, it's instinctual for us to want to not feel it. We don't crave unsavory moments; we want to feel good.”

    [12:49] “You got to teach people how to treat you.”

    [21:12] “How are we supposed to integrate with making a change if we don't believe that the Earth can support us?”

    [24:27] “It's a challenge to stay in the present, but also to remain conscious enough to make those actionable decisions.”

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    To feeling radically loved,


    Rosie Acosta