Episode 289 | Discover the Power of Knowing You Are Enough with Panache Desai
It's so easy to compare our lives to others. We drown ourselves with aspirations of becoming somebody else because we feel we're not good enough. But have you ever tried to stop and appreciate the power and beauty that's inside you? Have you ever considered that you are enough? Don't cut yourself short; you have come this far because of you. You have to be the first one to give the acceptance and love you deserve and need.
In today's episode, Panache Desai, a contemporary thought leader, discusses with us the importance of knowing you are enough—we all are. He also explains how our minds have been conditioned to believe that we're continually lacking and how embracing our uniqueness liberates us towards self acceptance. Panache spent time talking about the COVID-19 crisis and how we can find peace of mind amidst these critical times.
If you want to start embracing yourself and understand why you have always been enough, then listen to the full episode!
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Learn the importance of knowing that you are enough and how it can change your perspective in life.
Discover how conditioning molded our minds into thinking that we're lacking and why there is no such thing as “broken” people.
How does Panache Desai feel radically loved? Find out at the end of the episode.
Panache Desai’s website
Discovering Your Soul Signature by Panache Desai
You Are Enough by Panache Desai — We bought 10 copies of this book, and we're going to give them away! To win a copy, just tag the podcast on your Instagram story or on Instagram and also tag Panache and me.
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Panache's Thoughts on the COVID-19 Crisis
Panache has been staying vigilant with his spiritual family while undergoing self-isolation.
There are two realities present in today's situation. First is the reality of those who believe everything is going to be okay. Second is the reality of people who have been directly affected by the ongoing crisis.
The COVID-19 crisis is a time for a mass global awakening. Everyone must acknowledge and pay attention to it.
Something deeper is emerging during this time of uncertainty—our opportunity to reclaim the knowledge that we are enough and build our life on a platform of peace.
How Conditioning Led You to Believe That You Are Not Enough
Your embodiment of safety, love, and fear stemmed from how your parents showed them to you.
Institutions can condition people's minds into believing they're not good enough.
Conditioning happens unconsciously. It moves you away from who you are, which is love.
When you change your energy, you directly experience divine consciousness, and you can change your life. This shift happens at the level of emotion.
When you think you're not enough, it stops you from getting the life you deserve.
Why There Are No “Broken” People
People are not “broken.” Instead, they are conditioned to feel broken inside.
Those who feel broken inside compare their self-image to others and live their lives on the expectations of others. Various platforms like social media add to the pressure people give themselves.
Everything in nature is perfect and created by design. Your superpower is your uniqueness.
Embracing yourself opens up your potential and liberates you from pain, rejection, and judgments. It empowers people.
How Embracing You Are Enough Happens
Your hardships and circumstances prepare you for handling uncertainties in the future.
You have to recognize that you're enough. Everything you need when navigating your life in times of crisis is inside of you—realize that you're the solution.
Instead of reacting, respond to the situations unfolding in front of you.
Panache shared the tough circumstances he faced, which led him to becoming connected and at peace with himself. Listen to the full episode to hear his story.
What Panache Desires for Us During This Crisis
As you go through the crisis peacefully, you will pass through it gracefully.
While everyone is in self-quarantine, you have time to assess the state of your relationship with your loved ones.
While you have the time to be with yourself, assess what you value in life. Remember that as long as you're breathing, you are valuable.
A crisis is a great leveler of life; everyone is impacted equally. It's also an opportunity to go back to our natural state of being inside of us, which is peace.
Panache's Dream for His Children and His Advice for His 95-Year-Old Self
He wants his children to embrace themselves and receive love for who they are.
He would thank himself for going through all the hardships that made him stronger.
“Who we really are is a luminous presence; who we really are is a unique divine expression.”
“We have to shift out of feeling like we're not enough into feeling like we are in order to live the life we deserve to have.”
“The more we conform, the more we suffer. Our superpower is our uniqueness.”
“The more we realize that we really are enough, the more we realize that our experiences have led us to this moment, to be able to navigate our way through this time, peacefully, and from a place of connection.”
“By virtue of the fact that you are here, and you are breathing—you have value. And that is more valuable than anything that you could ever generate or create within your lifetime.”
Panache Desai is an international bestselling author and renowned spiritual teacher and leader. He had been a guest on Oprah Winfrey's Emmy-award winning series Super Soul Sunday, and has been a highly sought after speaker. His message of self-acceptance has drawn thousands of deeply immersed people from around the globe to have a profoundly transformative experience in world to his seminars and workshops. Panache’s word empowers people to liberate themselves from suffering, true selves, sadness, and self-limiting beliefs.
If you want to learn more about Panache's journey and advocacy, you can visit his website.
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Do you want to help people recognize that they're enough and one of a kind? A simple way is to share what you've learned today on social media.
Don't forget to send us messages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Thanks for listening!
To feeling radically loved,
Episode Highlights
Panache's Thoughts on the COVID-19 Crisis
Panache has been staying vigilant with his family while undergoing self-isolation.
There are two realities present in today's situation. First is the reality of those who believe everything is going to be okay. Second is the reality of people who have been directly affected by the ongoing crisis.
The COVID-19 crisis is a time for a mass global awakening. Everyone must acknowledge and pay attention to it.
Something deeper is emerging during this time of uncertainty—our opportunity to reclaim the knowledge that we are enough and build our life on a platform of peace.
How Conditioning Led You to Believe That You Are Not Enough
Your embodiment of safety, love, and fear stemmed from how your parents showed them to you.
Institutions can condition people's minds into believing they're not good enough.
Conditioning happens unconsciously. It moves you away from who you are, which is love.
When you change your energy, you can change your life. This shift happens at the level of emotion.
When you think you're not enough, it stops you from getting the life you deserve.
Why There Are No “Broken” People
People are not “broken.” Instead, they are conditioned to feel broken inside.
Those who feel broken inside compare their self-image to others and live their lives on the expectations of others. Various platforms like social media add to the pressure people give themselves.
Everything in nature is perfect and created by design. Your superpower is your uniqueness.
Embracing yourself opens up your potential and liberates you from pain, rejection, and judgments.
How Embracing You Are Enough Happens
Your hardships and circumstances prepare you for handling uncertainties in the future.
You have to recognize that you're enough. Everything you need when navigating your life in times of crisis is inside of you—realize that you're the solution.
Instead of reacting, respond to the situations unfolding in front of you.
Panache shared the tough circumstances he faced, which led him to becoming connected and at peace with himself. Listen to the full episode to hear his story.
What Panache Desires for Us During This Crisis
As you go through the crisis peacefully, you will pass through it gracefully.
While everyone is in self-quarantine, you have time to assess the state of your relationship with your loved ones.
While you have the time to be with yourself, assess what you value in life. Remember that as long as you're breathing, you are valuable.
A crisis is a great leveler of life; everyone is impacted equally. It's also an opportunity to go back to our natural state of being inside of us, which is peace.
Panache's Dream for His Children and His Advice for His 95-Year-Old Self
He wants his children to embrace themselves and receive love for who they are.
He would thank himself for going through all the hardships that made him stronger.
5 Powerful Quotes from this episode
“Who we really are is a luminous presence; who we really are is a unique divine expression.”
“We have to shift out of feeling like we're not enough into feeling like we are in order to live the life we deserve to have.”
“The more we conform, the more we suffer. Our superpower is our uniqueness.”
“The more we realize that we really are enough, the more we realize that our experiences have led us to this moment, to be able to navigate our way through this time, peacefully, and from a place of connection.”
“By virtue of the fact that you are here, and you are breathing—you have value. And that is more valuable than anything that you could ever generate or create within your lifetime.”
About Panache
Panache Desai is an international bestselling author and renowned spiritual leader. He had been a guest on Oprah Winfrey's Emmy-award winning series Super Soul Sunday. His message of self-acceptance has drawn people from around the globe to his seminars and workshops. Panache’s words empower people to liberate themselves from suffering, sadness, and self-limiting beliefs.
If you want to learn more about Panache's journey and advocacy, you can visit his website.
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Do you want to help people recognize that they're enough and one of a kind? A simple way is to share what you've learned today on social media.
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To feeling radically loved,