Episode 282 | How to Create Your Own Reality and Tap into the Divine Within with Christy Whitman


Many of us face obstacles every single day. There are times we can handle them confidently, and there are times when we feel like giving up. But, it’s not the obstacles that limit us. Our reaction toward them can make or break our path to fulfillment. We have the innate power to move and change the course of our lives. We are meant not only to survive in life but also to thrive in it. You have the power to create your own reality.

Joining us in this episode is law of attraction coach Christy Whitman. She shares how we can tap into our divine selves and create our own reality through our thoughts and words. She also shares some valuable insights on how we can thrive in any situation and how we can attain a life of abundance that has always been meant for us. 

Check out the episode highlights below if you want to create your own reality and start living the life you are meant to live. Be sure to subscribe and listen to this podcast! 

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  1. Learn how you can break free of the lack mentality.

  2. Discover how the power of words can shape our reality. 

  3. How does Christy Whitman feel radically loved? Find out at the end of the episode.  


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    Episode Highlights

    Christy’s Journey

    • In her 20s, Christy had everything that she thought would make her happy, but she was still miserable inside. Thus, she began meditating.

    • She realized she was extremely judgmental and critical of herself. When she understood that she can shift her perspective, good things began to manifest.

    • One night, while meditating, she heard a voice that inspired her to write her book.

    • She started speaking in spiritual bookstores and churches to promote her book. That’s when people told her she could be a coach.

    Our Divine Self 

    • Our divine self is there for each one of us.

    • When we understand that we're more than just our physical body, that's when we can tap into the quantum field. It is where we can tap into the energy of what we want to experience in our lives.

    Coming Out of the Lack Mentality 

    • The love of money, not money itself, is the root of all evil. 

    • Money, like everything else, is light and energy. However, there is no empowerment if you look at money as your source.

    • Money responds to the energy we give. If we say that money has power over us, we have a dysfunctional relationship with money.

    • The lack mentality comes from a victim consciousness where things happen to us. Instead, we need to move into that next level of consciousness where we exercise our free will.

    • We need to allow ourselves to understand that we can have what we want and we deserve it.

    • It's the belief that we are limited by our backgrounds that keeps us limited. Thus, we need to shift our perspective.

    • When your perspective comes from a place of empowerment, you're opening up your energy. You're coming from a place of choice, not a place of lack or limitation.

    The Power of Words 

    • Instead of looking at what's wrong and bad, look at what's right and good. 

    • Everything is vibration, and we are energy towers. We are sending out signals every day through our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

    • If we want fulfillment, we have to consider both our physicality and non-physicality.

    Financial Wellness as Part of the Divine

    • Money is part of our spiritual journey because we need it to survive.

    • We are divinely designed not only to get by but also to have abundance in all aspects of our life. That includes our financial wellness.

    • Our mind is always looking for the next best thing. Nothing is ever enough. But when you appreciate something, no matter what it is, you're in alignment.

    • Everything of a higher vibration—passion, success, contentment—are energy first. And then the form follows the energy, not the other way around.

    Freedom in Contrasting Experiences 

    • We're always going to have contrasting, unwanted experiences.

    • When we give our attention to the contrast and let it affect us, we continue to create more contrasting experiences.

    • Focus on the options you have and the clarity you need to notice. 

    • Shift your energy to connect with your divine self. Focus on what you want to feel, not what you don't want.

    • When in contrasting situations, practice your faith and commune with your divine self. There is no other solution.

    5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

    “You create your own reality.”

    “When we allow ourselves to understand that we can have what we want and that we are deserving of it and it's our birthright and that we're divinely designed to have abundance in all aspects of our life and to have loving and supportive relationships and be able to have creative self-expression, whether it's a book or a painting or a piece of music or a business or a product or whatever it is that we're wanting to give our unique energy signature to, all of it is supposed to thrive. We're supposed to be enjoying our life here.”

    “We are divinely designed to thrive, not to survive. We are divinely designed to be able to have abundance in all aspects of our lives and that includes financial, we are divinely designed to have health and well-being and vitality. It's not like the divine goes, ‘Oh, you could only have a little bit of health and well-being.’ No, it's the fullness, 100% full-tilt health and well-being, 100% full-tilt abundance in all aspects of our lives, success in all aspects of our lives.”

    “If you find the reason, the real essence of why you want what you want, all of it, if you really dig deeper and continue to spiral into it, is because you want to feel the sense of fulfillment. You want to spill the sense of all the things that are of a higher vibration, like passion, like joy, like abundance, like freedom, like success, like contentment—all of these things.”

    “My definition of freedom is knowing that you have a choice in how you will react, how you will respond, what your perspective is, what your thoughts are about it. It's being able to be in this world and be able to choose how you want to experience this world. That's freedom.”

    About Christy

    Christy Whitman is a transformational leader, Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach, and New York Times bestselling author. She is also the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program. Christy’s work has been featured in several magazines, and she has appeared in The Morning Show and The Today Show.

    To connect with Christy, you may reach her on her Twitter and Instagram. You may also visit her website to know more about her and her work.


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    To feeling radically loved,


    Rosie Acosta