What I learned at the Radically Loved Summit


First of all, the Radically Loved Summit was way better than I expected. I had dreamed about doing an event like this for years. The dream involved doing a day-long, in-person event, where we could all gather and hear from some of our Radically Loved Radio guest speakers. We’d eat delicious food, take a yoga class and gush about how much fun we were having and how much we;d learned.

Cut to the pandemic of 2020. Anytime I’d scroll through my IG feed I’d see events other people were speaking at and I was instantly consumed with envy. I’d stop scrolling and return to my computer where I’d find another clickable, scrollable feed to perpetuate my feelings of unworthiness. 

I’d turn to Torry and ask him, “Why didn’t they ask me to speak at this event?” “Why is this event thousands of dollars?” “Why isn’t this panel more diverse?” “Why are they talking to a man about women’s health?” and “Why aren’t you listening to me?” Lol

Fact is, What I really wanted was to create and speak at my own event and I wanted to offer it for FREE .  That’s how the Radically Loved Summit came to be. It was born out of a little bit of envy, a little bit of self-doubt and a whole lot of determination. It was better than I’d dreamed it would be. 

Now that the summit has wrapped up, I’m still processing all that I learned from our incredible speakers about the importance of spiritual self-care. But, what do you do with all this knowledge when you’re not feeling awesome and you just want to smother your feelings by eating peanut butter out of the jar? Or when you don’t wanna get out of bed? 

Put it where you can see it. Write it on a postcard, on your mirror, or on your phone.  I’ll be doing that with some of the inspirational takeaways I learned from our speakers (See below)! 


Ashley Turner

"The mind and body are actually one, they are not separate. Our whole body and mind are alive with consciousness."

Candice Kumai

"Find what sets you apart. Find what really makes your heart just beat and GO WITH THAT."

Christine Gutierrez

"When I didn’t know what was going to happen, I surrendered."

Dr. Nigma

"The pandemic has given us this reset button. This chance to reset the way we work, the way we eat, and the mind-body connection."

Ethan Nichtern

"Part of my vows as a practitioner is to make a stretch and say, ‘Ok, I want to hear your perspective. I want to have the difficult discussion.’"

Jen Pastiloff + Ashley "ACE" Easter

"May I remember not to take myself too seriously. May I remember not to compare myself."

Joy Taylor

"Remind yourself that life changes. You’re going to change. Be kind to yourself."

Lindsey Simcik + Krista Williams

"Body confidence happens by being really honest, by being upfront, and not hiding anything as much as I can."


Amberly Lago

"Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can."

Amy Morin

"We all make mistakes. Mistakes are part of the process, but it's not about how many mistakes you make. It's about how you recover from them."

Darrah Brustein

"Where are the places in my life that people have confidence in me that I don’t have in myself? How can I borrow that until I can embody it for myself?"

Henry Ammar

"Please allow yourself to EMBRACE who you are at the highest level because you are who the world needs."

Jason Feifer

"What is so core to my identity that it doesn’t matter how it gets expressed? If you can figure out what your core is, you’re so much more resilient to change."

Ryan Harris

"Creating the space to say “no” actually allows you to say “yes” to the things that bring you value and that’s when we’re at our BEST.”

Tara Mackey

"I show up the way that I do because this is how I am with everybody, and I expect and hope that everyone gives that back to me."


Alyson Charles

“It’s your responsibility to heed the messages, to heed the awareness that begins to enter."

Karen Guggenheim

"Feel the emotion, let it go, and grow through it - the power that you get afterwards is incredible.”

Laura Plumb

"Come back into harmony with nature. Come back into harmony with breath. Come back to the truth of who you are."

Mark Nepo

"When you think you’re certain, stop and turn what you’re certain about into a question."

Mary Taylor + Richard Freeman

"I’ve got to start over, like anything. It’s a real opportunity, this whole crisis, to be a beginner again."

Rod Stryker

“I think the answers that we are seeking to address the need of our times are timeless."

Sahara Rose

"Every tradition around the world has a form of ecstatic expression. Dance has always been side-by-side with meditation and prayer.”

Tracee Stanley

“Spirit is something that pervades everything. We can’t and we shouldn’t feel like it's compartmentalized. It is the foundation of everything."


Rosie Acosta