Blogging Like a Badass, again.

Here we go 2021!


Okay, so I’m about two months past what should have been my first blog post for the year.

I started blogging back in 2009. I had a blog called “Organic Mexican Girl” where I would write about healthy eating and mindfulness techniques. I love writing and it was a really great way to keep me accountable as a newish, self-employed creative. 

I wrote for a few years before I decided to change the name of the website to “Radically Loved.” In 2017, I was on a nationwide tour for ten months with Yoga Journal and fed my writing outlet that way. I wrote articles during my travels exploring how yoga lives in different cities, in different communities. 

When I returned home, I hit the ground running - creating content, focusing on my podcast and deciding that it was time to have a family. After many years of trying to get pregnant, and a self-induced blogging hiatus, I wrote this post. I then poured my writing energy into creating a book proposal for a book idea that had rattled around in my brain for a few years. 

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I had every intention of returning to my blog at the start of 2020. I was in Bali leading a retreat and was creating what was to be my new weekly blogging habit! Then, well... 2020 happened.

My book was acquired by a big publishing house, and so my blogging desire was once again put on hold (for good reason this time). I spent a lot of 2020 retraumatizing myself with thoughts of the world coming to an end, while simultaneously living my best life at home. The image of McCauly Culkin in Home Alone looped in my brain on the daily. I turned my final manuscript in on December 1st, 2020. 

Again, every intention of starting my blog back up fresh! 2021~ 

Here’s the point to this, How many of us can relate to the false starts: having every intention of doing something, when life gets in the way? I am going to venture to say that’s everyone. I still can beat myself up for not doing the most. 

Last week I got to interview one of my favorite authors, Jen Sincero, on my podcast. I did all of my homework, read all of her books, researched her epic past and fell in love with her even more than I thought humanly possible. I felt like a total dork. Her teachings have always resonated with me. During our conversation, she began inquiring about my book. 

This is by the way, the first time anyone at her level of success has inquired about what I was doing. At first, I felt like I wanted to crawl into a little hole. I thought, “Wow, Jen Sincero is asking about my book and I don’t even know what to say.” I can tell she felt my discomfort and offered some sage advice about the topic of what people think. She said, “You don’t have to care about what anyone thinks of you.” 

I was so honored to not only have her encouragement, but also her advice. Here’s the lesson: 

“You don’t need anyone’s permission to be a badass.” That being said, your goals are your goals. Get to them however you see fit. Don’t beat yourself up if it takes you longer than others and it’s ok to start fresh.

And speaking about being a badass, I have some Badassery coming up next week! Looking forward to sharing with you all! 


Rosie Acosta